The Scala Toolkit

How to handle query parameters?


You can declare a dependency on Cask with the following using directive:

//> using dep "com.lihaoyi::cask::0.9.2"

In your build.sbt, you can add a dependency on Cask:

lazy val example ="example"))
    scalaVersion := "3.4.2",
    libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "cask" % "0.9.2",
    fork := true

In your, you can add a dependency on Cask:

object example extends RootModule with ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "3.3.3"
  def ivyDeps = Agg(

Query parameters are the key-value pairs coming after the question mark in a URL. They can be used for filtering, sorting or limiting the results provided by the server. For example, in the <host>/time?city=Paris URL, the city part is the name of a parameter, and Paris is its value. Cask allows for reading the query parameters by defining an endpoint method with arguments matching the names of the expected parameters and not matching any of the URL segments.

In this example, we give an Option type and the default value None to the city parameter. This tells Cask that it is optional. If not provided, the time for the current timezone will be returned.

import java.time.{ZoneId, ZonedDateTime}

object Example extends cask.MainRoutes {

  private def getZoneIdForCity(city: String): Option[ZoneId] = {
    import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
    ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds.asScala.find(_.endsWith("/" + city)).map(ZoneId.of)

  def dynamicWithParam(city: Option[String] = None): String = {
    city match {
      case Some(value) => getZoneIdForCity(value) match {
        case Some(zoneId) => s"Current date is: ${}"
        case None => s"Couldn't find time zone for city $value"
      case None => s"Current date is: ${}"

import java.time.{ZoneId, ZonedDateTime}

object Example extends cask.MainRoutes:

  private def getZoneIdForCity(city: String): Option[ZoneId] =
    import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
    ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds.asScala.find(_.endsWith("/" + city)).map(ZoneId.of)

  def dynamicWithParam(city: Option[String] = None): String =
    city match
      case Some(value) => getZoneIdForCity(value) match
        case Some(zoneId) => s"Current date is: ${}"
        case None => s"Couldn't find time zone for city $value"
      case None => s"Current date is: ${}"


Run the example as before and access the endpoint at http://localhost:8080/time?city=Paris. You should get a result similar to the following one.

Current date is: 2024-07-22T10:08:18.218736+02:00[Europe/Paris]

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